Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Outdoor Fun

If CR doesn't get to go outside in a day or two (due to weather, etc.), he becomes a different child. He truly is a much happier boy when we can spend lots of time outside. I jokingly say that daily he is afraid that he will miss an ounce of sunlight. It is so true...if the sun is shining, he wants to be outside for the entire day. I guess he is a true boy!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Froggy Fun

A sign of Spring in our town, frogs appear everywhere...one in particular is Glen the Frog and now his "girlfriend" Glenda. During this once a year event, there are tons of activites that go on in various places, many of which are free and great fun! We took CR to several of these events and Glen has became a new character friend of his. He asks me about him daily and where he is.
*Pictures: 1: P&M&CR wait for the parade to begin...the kickoff for this frog fest.
Picture 2: CR gets tired of waiting...no nap day!
Picture 3: CR and DaDa with CR's favorite "character".
Picture 4: Glen and Glenda...some of CR's new favorites.
Picture 5: CR "adopts" a frog at the Sundae's with Glen.
*I wish I could share more pics...I have tons of the fun we had this week at all these froggie events!

On another frog note, remember I said above that frogs are everywhere. I have to share about this funny happening last week. I was supposed to meet some of my neighbor friends outside to chat after I got home from a baby shower at church. So while K was putting CR to bed, I went outside. I didn't see anyone I was supposed to meeting though, so I thought, "hey, it is a nice night outside, I am just going to sit on the front porch and enjoy the peacefulness". All of a sudden, 3 police cars pull on my street and park in front of one of the neighbor's house that I was supposed to be meeting up with and across the street from the other neighbor's house (they live directly across from each other). The 3 policemen get out of the cars and proceed around back to one of these friends houses. Panic totally set in as I knew her husband was not home yet. Then I saw her come around the house with the officers. I then thought...oh no, what has she done. So I called her to make sure she was alright (keep in mind that I am supposed to be meeting her outside). She told me she was fine, in no trouble, and to come over. When I got there, she tells me that the people across the street called the police saying they heard what sounded like a woman screaming from the direction of her house. Ready to hear what the sound was...two frogs in her goldfish pond in her backyard "singing". The cops apoligized and so did the neighbor...saying that she should send them out on tour. At least we know that if something happens, the cops will be here with backups to help.

Hey Ash...maybe they could be like Alvin and the Chipmunks! We are never going to let this down...you will always be known as "froggie"! Needless to say, the frogs are out in full force in our town this time of year.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Return to Baby Days?!

I finally had grown very accustomed to sleeping again through the night with CR sleeping all night through (most of you know that this was a blessed event that took much, much longer in my household than most). However, about a month ago, CR decided to change things again. He has decided that he is "scared" of his room and wants to sleep to my bed. I am at my wits end about getting him back to sleeping through the night in his bed. Our nights go like this (almost like clock work).

-CR goes to sleep in TV room watching Cars.
- K takes him to his bed.
-CR wakes up at 11:45 to get in our bed.

At first, I really believe he was having nightmares and had issues with getting back to sleep. However, now, I think it is more of a comfort thing and/or I recently think it may even be related to the fact that he may need his tonsils/adnoids out (snores badly, breathes wierd, and wakes himself up because he can't breathe.) I have discussed this issue with the Dr. and we are monitoring closely (which should be easy to do since he is in the bed with me nightly). He is still really too young/little for this surgery at this time.

I have tried the following "mechanisms" to get him back in his bed.
-consoling and returning to bed
-crying it out
-got/tried some suggestions from Dr.

Is this just a phase or am I returning to infanthood again?!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fun at the Cheese

I am being slack again...this event happened the week before last. Oops! One of my neighbors and I decided we would take the kids to have some fun since she had a coupon. CR didn't remember the one time we had taken him here, so it was all "new to him". They had a blast! It was so funny to see the difference in the 2 though. CR was very interested in the "rides" or games that simulated driving, where his 4 year old friend that was a girl, was interested in the games that gave tickets to redeem for prizes. I hope CR will continue his love for the cheap stuff...otherwise this place will have to be for special occasions. Thanks for a fun time Lay and Ash!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Words to Remember

I found the following on an e-mail today, and I thought it was worth sharing. What an awesome reminder of how we should live! How much more meaningful/easier life would be if I lived by these daily. This may be a new favorite quote for me...too bad that I don't know who the author was to give them credit.

Happy moments, praise God.
Difficult moments, seek God.
Quiet moments, worship God.
Painful moments, trust God.
Every moment, thank God.

During this past year, I have learned just how important these words are to life. *I have learned that life is short, and I should praise God in the happy moments, because He allows them and soon a "storm" will come.
*I have learned to seek and trust Him during difficult and painful moments (or at least the big ones that I have no control over...like the brain tumor). I am still learning to trust him on the every day battles. Isn't that so backwards...if He can handle the big issues of my life...I know he can handle the small ones. Yet, it is so difficult for me to turn the "small things" over to him instead of trying to have my hand in it.
*I am learning to retrain myself to worship God in the quiet times. I used to think worship was in church or spending a lot of minutes in prayer and reading His word. However, I have learned differently. Worship is so much different. Quiet times are so few and far between in my life with a two year old that is constantly wide open and bucking me on taking naps. I am learning to worship God in different ways, not only during a quiet time (usually in my car once I have dropped my child off or on the toliet), but also with music, serving others, and short prayers/thanks during the day. This is still a daily struggle! Sometimes, I feel like I don't even have the quietness to think.
*Lastly, I am learning to thank God in everything. Whether it is good or bad, I realize that things could be so much worse. I also am learning to appreciate things in life more....whether it is the beauty of nature or my child fighting to take a nap. Thank God for showing his beauty/presence all around us in a not-so-beautiful world/society, and thank God that I have a child that is healthy enough and enjoys life enough to fight naps!
It is amazing how different life can be when you live life by these words!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Okay so, I finally emptied my camera of all its stored pictures. I thought I would share some of our fun times that our camera has captured of us recently. I promise to empty my camera more often now that I have entered the "blogging world".


Thursday, April 10, 2008

God Grants Strength

I regret that I am starting off blogging with a sorrowful entry, but then again, I have to deal with life as it is dealt (which has been pretty bad for the past year).

As many of you know, this year (and last year) hasn't been the brightest for my family as I experienced a brain tumor in August, K had two job layoffs, and financial struggles related to all the above and then some. Then, last Sunday, we once again took another blow...I had a miscarriage at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Although we had not planned for this pregnancy, I took the miscarriage pretty hard, as I went through all the emotions in one week of realizing I was pregnant, shocked, scared, acceptance/excited about another baby, and then lost it. Even though I was only just beginning pregnancy, I still battled with the emotions of a loss. I am very grateful; however, that I was no further along than I was. I can't imagine losing a child/pregnancy once the cells turn into a child. My heart goes out to anyone who has had to experience that...you are a hero to me!

I am finally able to see through the clouds once again to realize that once again God has control of my life! As always in the midst of the storms, I don't know what His plans are, but like always, I someday will. Even though this is not pleasant to experience right now, He will make something great out of it (as I have seen Him do in so many situations in my life before). Until then, I hang on to His promises, "This too shall pass"! Hopefully our future days are brighter and filled with blessings!