Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Out of Commission

My computer monitor recently decided to burn up (literally as it was smoking, sizzling and charred smelling). Go figure since my warranty went out in February...just my luck. Anyways, my postings are limited for now until I get it fixed (as in replaced). Hopefully not long...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Fever

This weather is making me have Spring Fever...we have enjoyed the last few days outside. Unfortunately though because I am not wanting to spend any time indoors, my house work has gotten behind. Oh well, I guess I will catch up on it when it gets cool and rainy the rest of the week. Below are some shots from our weekend.

K playing football with the guys and watching the kids at the neighborhood field.

CR and Dada join in a game of horseshoes at the field

My roommate and wonderful friend Diane came for a visit this weekend. It was so great to have her come and hang out and catch up on each other's lives.
Diane gaining a new appreciation of her single life and no worries of watching kids and all that entails.

CR and his friend Alex "trading" hotwheels...this is a common occurance. They play so well together and have so fun entertaining each other.

Stefanie enjoying the sun and cookout with friends/neighbors at the field Saturday evening. It is so nice to have great friends and neighbors to hang out with that live in the same neighborhood.
Baby C enjoyed the sunny weather too...even baring her legs to the outside world for the first time.

I am looking forward to Spring and more outside fun!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Baby C is my sleeping beauty...she is so different than CR with her sleeping. She is like her mommy in that she loves it (I am thankful that she is such an AWESOME BABY). Unlike CR, I can put her down awake and she will go to sleep on her own (in her own bed) and she actually wants to be left alone to sleep and not held when sleeping.

Snow Fun

I am thankful that we had one good snow day left this winter...
Is Spring on its way?

CR surely did love the amount of snow this time...he couldn't get enough of it!

Making snowballs to throw at Mommy

Doing the "bear crawl" up the hill

Taking the gator for a ride in the snow...hopefully this didn't mess it up. We bribbed CR into taking a nap Sunday so he could go out and play in the snow that night when it started. I am so glad we did...he was in such a good mood and it was beautiful to watch coming down.

Our winter wonderland!

Dada takes the plunge sledding down the hill...we had so much fun acting like kids in the snow...thank goodness baby C was asleep and I was able to enjoy the snow some with K and CR by taking the baby monitor out. We had great fun and I laughed as hard as I have in a while (thankfully no pictures were captured of me)

CR was an ice cube before we stopped playing...we finally got him to go inside by telling him we would make hot chocolate once inside.