-Sitting alone...of course we still have to keep pillows/boppy around, because she doesn't realize if she goes backwards she will hit the hard floor. This was one of the first times she sat up...she does a lot better now
-Eating 8 oz. at almost each bottle feeding. However, who knows what she gets from me when she feeds. Unfortunately my milk is drying up...it is bitter sweet. I hate that I am going to be unable to feed her as long as I did CR, and I am going to miss that sweet time/bond together, but then again, I will not have any worries of being weaned before a big trip planned for CR's birthday (more details on that later), which she will not be going on.
-Total in love with her big brother...he can do no wrong in her eyes. She just ADORES him and watches every move he makes. Everything he does is so funny to her. He is the one that can make her cakkle the best.
-Aware of her belongings. It is so fun to watch her discover her toes, ears, hands, and voice (which she is learning to use a lot...even having a "party" in her crib with her ceiling fan at 4:00 each AM.) I am missing my sweet baby that sleeps so good all night. Now she has an hour long party each night...she isn't crying...just "TALKING", yet it is so loud that it keeps me awake.
-Rolling over each time I put her on her belly and scooting on her back. I can't leave her anywhere on her back or belly and expect her to be in the same place when I return.
-WE HAVE ENOUGH HAIR FOR BOWS that they will actually stay in! I am so excited about this...now their is no mistaken she is a girl to all of those people that walk up to me and say she is a boy (despite her being dressed in head to toe pink). I am really having fun with this! Now I just have to get Ashlyn to teach me how to make them (although this may be a while since her little one is coming in 6 days!)
-Favorite food: bananas=she makes "um" noises when she gets these and smacks her lips
-Least favorite food: Although she is coming around to most foods that I have tried, I guess her least favorite is carrots...she still makes the "cold chill shake" when I feed her these sometimes.
-Moving up t0 6 month clothes...although she can still fit into some 3-6, I am finding that 6 month clothes are fitting her better