Baby C is on the verge of everything these days! She has teeth that are all but popping through the gums, she can make a few crawl movements before flopping down, she is pulling up on things (me mainly)...even standing a second or two without holding on to anything. She also has decided (thanks to Dada) that better food exists than baby food. Needless to say with all of these things, life in our house is very eventful right now. I am becoming more nervous about her movement/lack of our house being conducive for that, and I am becoming exhausted from a whiny baby with hurting gums...teeth just come through already! I am having to clean myself and the kitchen more, too, as she spits baby food at me each and every time I try to give it to her. While some of this makes more frustrating times and some exciting times, for sure they are all cherished memories that I am reminded of in Darius Rucker's song...
It Won't Be Like this For Long. So I will cherish them all!