I have done something I should not be doing at this stage of the game in my pregnancy...watching The Baby Story on TLC. In fact, I was just reading something the other day that warned me of such. It said something to the fact (as a metaphor), would you want to sit in a waiting room of a dentist office and watch a root canal on TV before you went back to have yours done? There is so much truth to this...I should have heeded this suggestion.
Anyways, I watched it today and there was a lady on there that was in the hospital having a baby with no success after 6 hours of labor. The Dr. came in and told her that she was not progressing because of the baby's head stationing (the baby's head was not moving down into the pelvic bone area). He said that when he checked her, the baby's head would float back into the uterus. The yikes part is...this is what the Dr. told me yesterday! Now I am freaking out thinking that I am going to have to eventually have a C-section like this lady because of the baby's head stationing (or lack of). This would also explain why I am dilating (in the active labor stage now) but contractions are not consistent enough to go to hospital or my water not breaking yet.
I know I am probably over analyzing this, and I am trying to rationalize with myself by telling myself that I am more dilated than she was already and I do have a -2 stationing, but at the same time, I still go back to what if?! This would mean that I would most likely go to 40 weeks and then have to have a C-section. Surely if the Dr. thought it were a possibility he would have discussed that with me right? Anyone got any insights on the dilation vs. head stationing? I can't remember with CR the head stationing, or even thinking about it being a big deal. I just don't want to have a c-section, not because the surgery aspect (if I had a craniotomy (excuse my mispelling) I imagine I could handle a c-section), but the recovery is so bad that I don't want to have to do that.
Pray for steady contractions for me or better yet...water breaking and please if you have any insights into all this...PLEASE SHARE!
6 years in 10 minutes
4 years ago
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