Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

These Days...

These days we are getting settled and trying new things...
"Baby sister" tries out the swing for the first time yesterday...not too fond of it yet.
We are already working on tummy time...go girl go!

Mommy and her 2 munchkins...I love these days.
How precious are these little feet and how quickly do I forget just how little they are. I love to just sit and marvel at all the little things about her that I somehow forgot existed with little ones (little feet, little hands, cute facial features and precious noises they make)

Her favorite foot position...even inside the womb


Monica M. Judd said...

There's nothing more precious than those perfect little feet, features and such. I'm so proud for you and Ken.

Amy said...

She is so beautiful!!!!!!!!! Glad to see pics...I've beeen gone on my ski trip so I had to catch up on all of your posts... hope things are going well. Call me sometime next week when you can chat and tell me all about baby CR's first weeks!