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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Fever

This weather is making me have Spring Fever...we have enjoyed the last few days outside. Unfortunately though because I am not wanting to spend any time indoors, my house work has gotten behind. Oh well, I guess I will catch up on it when it gets cool and rainy the rest of the week. Below are some shots from our weekend.

K playing football with the guys and watching the kids at the neighborhood field.

CR and Dada join in a game of horseshoes at the field

My roommate and wonderful friend Diane came for a visit this weekend. It was so great to have her come and hang out and catch up on each other's lives.
Diane gaining a new appreciation of her single life and no worries of watching kids and all that entails.

CR and his friend Alex "trading" hotwheels...this is a common occurance. They play so well together and have so fun entertaining each other.

Stefanie enjoying the sun and cookout with friends/neighbors at the field Saturday evening. It is so nice to have great friends and neighbors to hang out with that live in the same neighborhood.
Baby C enjoyed the sunny weather too...even baring her legs to the outside world for the first time.

I am looking forward to Spring and more outside fun!

1 comment:

Amy said...

That BOW is precious!