Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I hate making decisions sometimes...I am so bad at deciding! I need some input from all you ladies that have had kids. Here is the dilemma: When I was pregnant with CR, I only saw one Dr. throughout my entire OB visits, and I really like him! However, when it came time to deliver, of course (especially since CR was so early), this Dr. was not on call. In fact, he wasn't on call the entire week that I was in the hospital prior to CR's arrival. Therefore, I didn't see him until he came by to visit (which I thought was nice since he wasn't even supposed to be there) the day I was going home from the hospital. I felt so lost without him involved in this process since he was the one I had all my visits with.

So, this time, I am wondering, should I see just him (I have seen him for my first 2 OB appt.'s) or should I try to see as many as I can so that I am familiar with them all. I am so torn!

Does it really matter? How much does it help to see one Dr. or all the Dr.'s? Also, how much do you think it matters in labor to have seen the Dr. that is delivering? Any suggestions or thoughts from all you other moms?

Pregnancy Good, Bad, and Ugly!


Thump, Thump! We heard "bean's" heartbeat last Tuesday! What a blessing that was, as I have been eagerly waiting for that day. It took the nurse a little while to find it, which scared us to death, but she finally found it down low and hidden. She said it was nice and strong...170. I was hoping for an ultrasound too, as we got to have one with CR at this visit (only because they thought he was two). However, this time, we didn't get that chance...oh well...at least that is a sign that the Dr. thinks everything is okay.

My uterus felt right on track for 12 weeks of pregnancy! Yippee! I am almost out of my first trimester! Maybe I will get more energy soon!


I really have a tummy now. I have always have had a tummy, but now it looks like I
am devouring doughnuts and gaining weight. I can't stand this "in between time" that it is hard for others to tell I am pregnant or just gaining weight. I guess the baby belly will truly arrive soon and I will have to remind myself of this time period when I am so big that my belly feels like it is going to burst!


Because CR was born 6 weeks early, the Dr.'s think I am a great candidate for a progesterone shot (supposed to help prevent preterm labor). So, when I turn 16 weeks, I get to start these lovely shots! They will have to be given once a week with a 21 gage needle (which unless I am bad wrong, it is big. And even more lovely, progesterone is very thick (meaning it will hurt) and it has to be in my rear! NOT FUN! I am so dreading this! The things I do for my kids! I guess if it keeps "bean" out of the NICU, like CR had to endure, it will be so worth it!


Did you think I had never returned from college?! I did get out of Charleston after a very long week (but lots of learning). However, when I got home, it was one thing after another that has given me no time to sit down to write.

I am in Columbia tonight finishing my grad class. I turned in all my assignments in class today, and WOW...did that feel great to have all that over with. Now I just have to return to class tomorrow for "seat time" so I can officially earn my 3 hour college credit (and watch all my classmates teach their lessons...I am so thankful I did mine today).

Tonight I was able to have dinner with some friends of mine that moved to Columbia a few years ago. It was so nice to see them and catch up...we miss them very much (as we used to hang out with them at least once every 2 weeks).

Now I am enjoying the peacefulness of a hotel room alone. No chores, no homework, no nothing...just me to relax. Hopefully I will catch up on some blogging tonight between watching America's Got Talent!

Monday, July 14, 2008

First Days Of College

I said that I would not be able to post again until after I returned from college, but I actually got out of class early today and have time to catch you up on my first days back at college.

Yesterday, I left at 1:00 and got to Charleston around 3 something (especially since I could not get to where I was trying to go and got turned around...thanks one way streets). Then the memories came back...

-Moving In Day Stinks: I only had several minutes to get my stuff unloaded from my car before I had to move it. I then had to wait for an elevator and cram all my stuff into the next elevator with everyone else and their stuff. Once I got to my room, I was wringing wet with sweat. I then had to manage how to make this room bearable enough to live in for a week, which takes me to my next memory.

-Dorm living is like living in a prison (bare walls, close quarters, sharing bathroom, no room, uncomfortable bed...) You get the point!

-Hikes across campus leads to good exercise: I am working off my cafeteria meals (also another memory).

-Homework/course load begins immediately: I happened to look through my packet of "class materials" yesterday evening while sitting on a bench outside my dorm waiting for K to call me back and noticed a paper that said "Congratulations" across the top. I got excited thinking I had won a door prize, until I continued reading to find out that I had been "chosen" to critique a math lesson plan and present my findings to the class TODAY! What a way to start class the first day...up front presenting. So there I was completely exhausted (after a LONG night of little sleep the night before) trying to keep my eyes open and brain functioning enough to do this assignment well enough for me to present to the class today! I thought...what have I gotten myself into?! So I get to class today to find out that everyone will eventually have to do it, but 6 of us were chosen today. In the end it turned out fine. I did okay with my presentation, and come to find out I am pretty lucky...mine is over with and they even printed all the materials that I needed where the other students that still have to present must find theirs online, print a copy, then critique it without any guidelines of how it should be critiqued. One assignment down...many more to go!

-Sitting on the other side of the desk is often hard, confusing, tiring, and rewarding: My class began at 8:30 this morning. I grudgingly made my way into the classroom that was slammed full of desks. The teacher was not the teacher I expected (I was supposed to have my director). Immediately, I began getting very nervous about what to expect (especially after my unexpected homework last night). The teacher seemed very serious and talked to the class almost as if we were college freshmen. After a little while of housekeeping, he realized we (my fellow teacher from my district and I) were in the wrong class and we got switched to the correct class. Thank goodness! Upon entering that class, I automatically felt better about my surroundings...it looked more laid back and easy going. The instructors proceeded with important information, class assignments, etc. I had forgotten how confusing it is sometimes when something is not explained clearly or there are many conversations going on in the room at one time. Thankfully, it settled down and got easier throughout the day. It did get me thinking...I hope I explain myself clearly to my students and the importance of maintaining a quiet classroom environment. The class today ended up not being bad at all with several breaks and interesting and helpful material taught. It always helped that we got out of class early today too (before the other class)! So while I get very tired of sitting behind the desk for long periods of time, it has been a nice and educational experience for me to get on the other side of the desk.

Tonight I went on a walking tour that seemed like all of Charleston! I had the bright idea that my fellow teacher and I could walk down Meeting st. (I think) to see a lot of cool shops and find a unique place to eat. We did both...only to my feet's expense. We saw lots of great stores and got some advice from some locals working in the stores of the best places to eat in the area were. We decided to try Poogan's Porch tonight (a place that I have always wanted to try mainly because of its historical story and ghost tale). The food turned out okay...I think I just ordered the wrong thing because my colleague's looked great. The walk back seemed even longer as my feet throbbed with every step. It was very nice to get away from campus though while shopping a little and seeing some really neat sights of Charleston.

More adventures tomorrow...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Return to College!

Well, I guess I will not have any insightful posts for a little while longer. I am now busy getting myself ready to return to college. Yeah, that is right...full fledge college! I will be leaving Sunday for the College of Charleston to take a graduate level class (GED Academy) for work. I will be staying in a dorm room, using a community bathroom, and eating in the cafeterias (well I may have to escape some). This is taking some planning time, seeing that it has been 7 years (WOW!) since I was in college. I am having to refresh my memory and plan for dorm living again, as well as get my child's keeping scheduled for the entire week (which those of you that know me know how planned out that has to be for me to be happy).

I am excited that I am getting to go take the course in one week and I feel it will help me a lot, but the whole community bathroom makes me nervous. I didn't even have a community bathroom while I was in college at Clemson much less now that I am 10 weeks pregnant and having to pee at least 2 times a night.

Needless to say, I should have lots of stories to tell when I return! Please think of me next week as I endure the whole week away from CR (the longest I have been away from him), class from 8-4, Charleston heat in July, and struggle to survive dorm living! On the bright side, I will be smarter when I return and have 3 hours of graduate level credit under my belt!

Enough of my whining! Idios (sorry for the mispelling) until I return from Charleston!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July Recovery

Sorry I have been MIA for a while...I am still in recovery from the 4th of July weekend and having K at home all weekend. I am trying to get caught up on everything I didn't do this weekend! I hope to get back to some insightful posts soon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

We Are Expecting!

We are happy to finally tell (now that our family knows)...we are adding to our family (if you didn't notice from the baby development ticker on my blog). Baby Eversole is expected to arrive February 6, 2009. CR doesn't quite know what to think about this, and I am not quite sure he understands. This is fine with me though, as February is a long time for him (and me as a matter of fact) to wait.

Please keep us and this little one in your prayers, as many of you know, we suffered a miscarriage at 5 weeks two months ago. We want to be excited, but we are scared at the same time. I went to the Dr. last Friday, and he assured me that things looked great (however he wouldn't attempt to hear the heartbeat...too early). That will be at our next visit on July 21.

Continue to look often at our blog to see more of our new journey's of pregnancy!