Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Baby C thinks all real food (or at least the ones she has tried) are so good! and I wish I had invented the mesh feeder...it is wonderful! Above she kicks her feet and "umm, umms" over watermelon
and LOVES banana pudding (yea I know some would think I am a bad mom for giving her this, but it was just a few little tastes)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Making Fun

CR is very into using his imagination these days. It thrills me, because he is becoming better and better at entertaining himself (something he wasn't always good at). This AM, he wanted to take Baby C for a "train ride" in his wagon. They had the best fun! I couldn't help but think/hope that they will continue to love to play together as they get older. Such simple play and imagination are some of my favorite memoirs as a child. I hope they will continue with theirs as well!
*Sorry for the bad pics...I snapped them with my phone...the closest camera

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Half a Year

How can it be that half a year ago I had baby C?...it just doesn't seems so. Yet, as I took her to the doctor today, I was reminded of just how far we have come in half a year...it is amazing!
My little toe-headed blue-eyed girl...you bring so much joy into my life. That sweet smile that lights up your face, lights up the world of those around you! You have the sweetest personality, yet you are very head strong and let everyone know what you want/don't want (mema says you already have drama). Although this is sometimes a struggle right now, I am glad you are that way and hope you always stay that way.
I love the way your eyes shine when you see your big brother or your mommy in particular (and now coming around more to Daddy and others too). I thrills my heart when you show us your love! I will cherish those sloppy kisses, snuggles, "zorberts" (blowing on my arm/legs), and you "smelling" me forever (she loves to smell me...especially first thing in the morning...she just sniffs these big sniffs as if she has missed me)!

You are so eager to do and keep up with your brother...don't rush things...you will be big soon enough! You are also liking eating real food...I don't think you are going to be a picky eater (see future blog). That voice is getting more and more stronger everyday as you figure out how to make it work...making lots of sounds now (eh and g) are still your favorite!

Those chubby little cheeks and sweet smile. You don't have teeth yet, but I am sure you are working on them...you have all the signs. And those chubby little legs...you love to kick them...you hardly ever keep them still and on the ground. You get so happy when you get to stand on them...you feel like such a big girl!

I have been so blessed by God to have such a precious and sweet baby girl! You truly are "sugar and spice and everything nice" (well except for your diapers these days)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On A Mission

If you don't hear from me in a while, I may be buried under clothes, toys, and other stuff that I am getting ready to consign. This is my first time consigning, but I am in MUCH need, as I have stuff taking over that I no longer need. It is going to be a lot of hard work to get it all together, but I hope it will be worth it in the long run!

Hopefully the 6 totes, toys, and other piles of stuff will lead to money and a lot more organized house!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Praise God

My former student mentioned in a pervious blog (about her disappearance) has been found. She is doing well. Praise God for answered prayers! I am so glad to hear that she is safe and sound.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Whether to take the plunge?

I am so on the fence about whether to take the plunge into the Facebook world. Everyday I hear of someone else that I would like to keep up with on Facebook or get asked if I am on it that I am starting to think that A.) I am the only person in the world not on it and B.) I am missing out on a lot.

However, my reasons for having not already joined/fear joining are:
-don't have time for it/too time consuming (I feel like I am already on computer enough with e-mailing and blogging)
-fear computer viruses/computer crashes (I heard are common).

Any feedback? Should I do it?

Mommy's Girl!

My girl is becoming such a Mommy's girl! She will hardly let anyone else hold her. Although I am tickled that she loves her mommy and favors me (especially since CR is such a Daddy's boy), it is frustrating that she will not let other people hold her some. I guess I better cherish it while it lasts, because in her teen years, I am sure she will want to keep her distance from Mommy. I hope she always stays a Mommy's girl! I could have even swore she has said ma-ma 3 times this weekend when she was in pursuit of me.
My little toe-headed girl...I hope she keeps that blond hair and those blue eyes!
My precious girl...even though her temperament hasn't been so precious lately. I think she may be teething. She has been so irritable lately and totally out of her character (not sleeping good, etc.). I want my SLEEPER back...I was so spoiled!

She LOVES her outside swing and thinks she is such a big girl that gets to swing with her brother. She just laughs as it goes back and forth! Such joys are these precious moments!


I am asking for prayer for a former student of mine and her family. The picture below is of the former student that is missing. She is such a sweet lady with the biggest heart. This is the same lady that I referred to in a former blog about helping me when my water broke in class. She was the only one left in the classroom at the time printing off a FASA grant form and was able to get the custodian and help me. My heart breaks for her and her family! Please pray that she is okay and she is found safe and sound soon! To view her story visit The Herald Online (Top story)www.heraldonline.com

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I know I have said this before, but not only am I blessed to have a job, but I am truly blessed to have a job outside of being a mommy (that I actually earn money doing) that I love. Yes, I love the fact that it is only part time that allows me to still have plenty of mommy time with my kids, but it is so rewarding. Last week we had our summer graduation and it really hits a nerve with me. I am so happy for the hard work and committment that many of my students put into getting their diploma, despite many obstacles against them. It reminds me that I am doing the right thing. So many of them are an inspiration to me and teach me things that I didn't know or forgot that are important!

A cake that one of my grads brought me the day she got her scores in the mail.

Flowers and balloon from a student and her boyfriend for my birthday in appreciation of my teaching her and encouragement to continue when the road is rough.