Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Big Day (11 Days Ago)

Wow...was it that in more ways than one. It started about 12:30 PM and I had just dismissed my students from the class. I had a former student drop by to get some grant paperwork off of the computer and I had some paperwork to complete before I left to get CR from childcare (thank goodness he was not with me). Sitting behind my desk, talking to my former student, and working, all of a sudden a huge gush of water came flooding out all over me, the leather computer chair, and tile floor. It wouldn't stop! This was much more of a "flood" than I experienced with CR. I immediately knew what happened and thank goodness my former student (that had 3 kids) was able to go out into the hall to get help. When she went to the bathroom, the female janitor was in there and was able to use her walkie talkie to call security and bring some necessary stuff for the mess I had just made everywhere. Security came and was more in a panic than I was...this was more eventful than anything they had seen in a while. I calmly explained that someone was on their way to get me(my mom since K works 25 minutes away and was closer to the hospital than I was) and take me to the hospital (would be there in 10 min.). Then it hit me what the doctors said, "if your water breaks, you need to get to the hospital immediately...call L&D on the way). Then I started to panic wondering how "far along" I was now. Thankfully my mom arrived to my classroom quickly and security arrived with a golf cart to take me to my car (since it was on the other side of campus) and I didn't have much time to thank about it. Poor old security man...he couldn't even drive he was so nervous and I felt horrible for the mess I made all over his seat. Off we went to the hospital without all my needed bags. I had my suitcase and a few other things in the car, but I still had some needed stuff at home including my camera and cosmetic bag. Thank you Ash for coming to the rescue and going to get all of our stuff for us...you are AWESOME! K was already there waiting on me when I got there and had all the paperwork/insurance dealt with. My room was waiting on me when I got there...which was the same room I had CR in.
After being checked and showing still 4-5cm dilation but more effacement and head stationing, I decided I would walk the halls in attempts to get my contractions going (at this point they were very weak and irregular). I got my IV line hooked up in case I wanted an epidural (which I did) and took to walking the halls for an hour. An hour later I returned to be checked again...6cm dilated...more effacement and stationing. So, I took to the halls again thinking hey I can handle this for a while longer without being bed ridden with an epidural (still contractions were not intolerable, but more regular). An hour later (now 5 PM), I went back to my room to get checked. I decided with my contractions coming 1-2 minutes apart, I might want to stay put in the rocker and get my IV fluids so I could get my epi. The next thing I knew, I was feeling pressure...she was coming out (now about 5:10PM...only about 10 minutes of smiling walking the halls). I was begging the nurse for an epi and to get the Dr. (midwife) to come check me. Finally after another few minutes of no midwife and me about to pull the handles off the rocker, the nurse said, "we are not waiting on the Dr....let's check you". K had to pick me up and put me in the bed, as I couldn't move. The nurse quickly said, "we are having a baby". I didn't have time for ANY meds (which I don't recommend)...she was coming out. After about 4 pushes(15-20 minutes)...our baby girl was here! However, I could see from K's face something was wrong...and the fact that I didn't get to see her before they wisked her away to the warming/exam table. K told me a few moments later that she was BLUE...cord was wrapped tightly around her neck twice (which they think only happened as she was coming out since her heartrate was awesome the rest of the day prior). After a few minutes, she was fine and I was able to hold my new bundle of joy! What a WILD DAY!

The proud big brother arrives that evening to adore his new "baby sister". He is still in LOVE with her and can't get enough. No one can believe how still he gets and how long he wants to hold her...totally not him! I hope this adoration never changes...it is SO sweet!
Proud daddy holding his baby girl!

CR shows off his big brother shirt!

Our new addition!

K brings our new bundle of joy over to me for the first time!

K had to take a picture of the freezer and refrig. (stocked with juice, soda, ice cream, while the cabinets have snacks) as these are his favorite parts of the hospital...they do take care of their guests. He gained 10 lbs. during the 3 weeks we were in and out of the hospital with CR's arrival. Thank goodness we didn't have to stay that long this time!

Proud Mommy...I wish someone would have told me to wipe my mascara.

Our little girl getting checked out only minutes after making her arrival!

Walking the halls...trying to bring on the contractions and/or progress

Breathing through a contraction...boy did walking make a difference...it really made me progress quickly. K jokingly called me biopolar during this process...I would go from stopping every few minutes to breath to walking/talking/joking.

She was almost born on the "snow day"....here are some reminents on a patio table.
Thanks Ash for saving the day by bringing our camera and much needed items from home!
Getting ready for the big event

Friday, January 23, 2009

She is Here!!!!!

Baby Girl arrived Thursday, January 22nd @ 5:46 pm!!!
6 lbs. 2 oz.
18 inches

* posted by Amy S.....gosh I hope I got all of the stats right!....By the way she is beautiful!!!!!!

Thanks Amy so much for doing this (yes you got all the stats right)! Sorry for the delay in getting pics added. I thought that I would have computer access while at the hospital, but the room I was in wouldn't allow for it (I was in a back corner room without good connection...oddly enough...it was the same room I delivered CR in...which is really wierd but neat considering that the hospital was not busy/plenty of empty rooms). Anyways, everyone is doing great! CR is totally in love with his new sister. We have spent the past several days getting settled, Dr. visit for weight check/hospital visit for jaundice level check, mastering breastfeeding...well we are still working on this part). So...hopefully soon I can give details about the Big Day...and boy was it big! Until then...enjoy the pics of our new precious little girl! She is so adorable...I just want to sit and look at her all day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Yipee...it Snowded"

This was CR's words as he got out of bed this morning once realizing that I didn't have to go to work today. He was beside himself excited and very anxious to get out in the snow to play. I managed to hold him off til 9:30 AM.

I love the excitement snow or even mention of can bring! Watching CR's excitement reminded me of snow days as a kid and all the excitement it brought (no school, hot chocolate, getting together with friends for outside play). As an adult, even though I really wanted to work today (since I don't get paid if I don't work), I found myself so excited about the possibility of snow today. I was glued to the TV yesterday as much as possible trying to hear the latest news on whether we were going to get any and if so how much. I even found myself more restless last night just as I did with the threat of snow as a kid... (even though I am contributing a lot of that to pregnancy and heartburn from the white chicken chili I had last night) and wondering if it was doing anything. When I made my bathroom trip at 2AM, I had to go to the window to take a peek...sure enough it was coming down...what a beautiful sight! I love watching it come down and was glad to get a chance to do so this morning for quite a while before it all came to an end. There is something so tranquil to me about watching snow fall...maybe the stillness it brings with the color of cleanliness!

I am very thankful to have had the chance to see the snow today and enjoy the day with CR out in it!
Snow makes this firetruck so much more fun

CR playing with his friends in the snow

CR taking it all in. It was sort of a new experience for him as he didn't quite know what to expect (he was only a little over 1 when it snowed before)

He learns quickly how to have fun in the snow...making snow balls and sledding

Geared up and ready to play!

Sitting on Go

These were the words of the Dr. I saw today. However, to my disappointment, no change has been made. I was just encouraged to be very "in tune" to what is going on with my body and call or go to L&D sooner rather than later (which is hard for me to comprehend since I have no constant contractions) because my labor will most likely be rapid. I guess that will come...let's hope!

Good news about the face up position...this Dr. wasn't worried at all. If indeed she is, he said it could change in birth canal. He wasn't worried at all. She just isn't ready to make her appearance yet!

So...off to waiting on the green light!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Living out of Bags

I have to vent...I am tired of living out of bags! This pregnancy I was determined to have my bags packed early, in attempts to not be caught by surprise as I was with CR. So, needless to say, I can't even remember what I have packed in my suitcase since it has been packed for over a month and in the car for at least 2 weeks. My makeup/toiletry (well it is the size of a airplane carry on...you know...it takes a lot to make me put together) is sitting in my bathroom on my counter. I am digging stuff out of it to get dressed each day and then replacing it. Meanwhile, K's suitcase is sitting in the laundry room where he is living out of it too. We just know that if we let our guard down and leave them unpacked, she will decide to make her appearance into the world and we have been warned that we will not have much time. I mean to the point that if I begin to feel regular contractions or my water breaks, I have been told to jump in the car immediately and call L&D on the way to the hospital (a 20 minute trek without traffic). I guess these are the joys of walking around 4+cm dilated and 75% effaced!

You know she will decide to come tomorrow if it snows 4-6 inches...as her dad did (came into the world in the middle of a blizzard)!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Nothing New

I wasn't supposed to go to the Dr. until Monday, but after much discussion this week, K and I thought we would have more eased minds if I went in to get checked today instead of waiting over the weekend (especially since I progressed from 3cm to 4+cm in 2 days last week).

Nothing is new...I am still 4+cm and 75% effaced. There is a possibility that she may be trying to get into a face up position (seeing where the heartbeat was found). I sure hope not...this would mean a bad labor and possible c-section. So I was given some exercises to do my the midwife that may help get her into position. Hopefully they will work! Seeing that I am walking around almost halfway through dilation without many hard contractions, they are going to monitor me more closely. I will be going 2 days a week now until she decides to come.

Well off to exercising...!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cause of Concern?

I have done something I should not be doing at this stage of the game in my pregnancy...watching The Baby Story on TLC. In fact, I was just reading something the other day that warned me of such. It said something to the fact (as a metaphor), would you want to sit in a waiting room of a dentist office and watch a root canal on TV before you went back to have yours done? There is so much truth to this...I should have heeded this suggestion.

Anyways, I watched it today and there was a lady on there that was in the hospital having a baby with no success after 6 hours of labor. The Dr. came in and told her that she was not progressing because of the baby's head stationing (the baby's head was not moving down into the pelvic bone area). He said that when he checked her, the baby's head would float back into the uterus. The yikes part is...this is what the Dr. told me yesterday! Now I am freaking out thinking that I am going to have to eventually have a C-section like this lady because of the baby's head stationing (or lack of). This would also explain why I am dilating (in the active labor stage now) but contractions are not consistent enough to go to hospital or my water not breaking yet.

I know I am probably over analyzing this, and I am trying to rationalize with myself by telling myself that I am more dilated than she was already and I do have a -2 stationing, but at the same time, I still go back to what if?! This would mean that I would most likely go to 40 weeks and then have to have a C-section. Surely if the Dr. thought it were a possibility he would have discussed that with me right? Anyone got any insights on the dilation vs. head stationing? I can't remember with CR the head stationing, or even thinking about it being a big deal. I just don't want to have a c-section, not because the surgery aspect (if I had a craniotomy (excuse my mispelling) I imagine I could handle a c-section), but the recovery is so bad that I don't want to have to do that.

Pray for steady contractions for me or better yet...water breaking and please if you have any insights into all this...PLEASE SHARE!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Still Pregnant!

I went back to the doctor today for another check since they thought either one of two things would have taken place by now: A.) I wouldn't be pregnant anymore or B.)I would be at a standstill...neither is happening. Today I am 4+ cm dilated and 75% effaced. So... I guess she is either just going to fall out (since I can't get my contractions regular) or either I will still be pregnant at 40 weeks and have to be induced.

I go back to the doctor in 1 week...if I am still pregnant!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back Home

No luck with Carragan's arrival...I am back home. :( I did not have any progression in the hour they monitored, so it was determined that I was not going into active labor.

I guess she will come out when she is ready. I just hope that when she does decide to come that she breaks my water, like CR did, so there is no uncertainty whether I am "active" or not.

I go back to the Dr. Monday at 3:25 to be checked again...will let you know how it goes (if I make it until then).

Headed to Hospital

At my Dr. appt. this AM, I was 75% effaced and 3 cm dilated (although I am not feeling any contractions...just lot of pressure). So, I am being sent to the hospital for some monitoring to see if I am going to be having this baby girl today or tomorrow.

Say a prayer that everything will go well and she is healthy!

Stay tuned for more posts...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Last Box

If you haven't noticed...I am in my last "box" on my ticker! YIPEE! You better believe I have noticed! The baby looks so big and scrunched on there! I am so happy and feel so blessed to have made it to this point in my pregnancy. Hopefully it will not be much longer though...as mentioned in the previous post...I am over it! Wish me luck with the full moon this weekend! I go back to the doctor at 9:45 in the morning...hopefully I have made a lot of progress!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Found Respect

I officially have a new found respect for women that have 40 week or beyond pregnancies! I have always felt sorry for them, but nothing like now. These last few weeks of pregnancy are not treating me well. I am becoming more and more miserable by the day! Below, I am listing some of my ailments (because I need to vent and have a way to remember this...just in case I ever get in my head I want to be pregnant again). However, if you have any of you have advice on how to "cure" any of these....PLEASE SHARE!!!!

-nausea-this comes and goes throughout the day and night...I didn't even have this during my first trimester! What is causing this and how do I get rid of it?

-bones (in my pelvis) feel as if they are going to break...she is seriously getting heavy!

-rings almost don't fit....I only have a few days left I suspect before I start looking like a baby's mama (can't wear my rings much longer)

-Tired ALL the time-I literally could fall asleep anywhere...my energy is gone. Perhaps this is due to my lack of "good sleep" (which brings me to my next point)

-Lack of "good sleep" because I am so uncomfortable and hurt every time I turn over that I wake myself up with every move

-indigestion-can't eat but a little bit before I feel as if I am going to explode and if I do eat much I regret it for hours later

All of it is worth it though for little Carragan to come out healthy! I just hope I can endure!