Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!!!

WARNING: Long post, but hopefully it is something she will cherish in years to come!
How can it be a year has passed since this day of your bold arrival?! It seems just like yesterday that I was pregnant, walking around 4cm dilated for weeks, and wondering if you were going to come out on your own, or were we going to have to make you. And then, you did....and boy did you ever! You decided to make your grand entrance into the world and and into my heart forevermore! At 12:30PM you broke my water while I was in my classroom causing me to panic because of the mess it made and the fear of not being able to get to the hospital in time. Thanks to Mema and campus security guards/golf cart, we made it to the hospital with plenty of time to spare. However, you made my labor so easy until the last hour that I didn't have time to get any pain meds. And then, all of a sudden (although the last 15 min. seemed like eternity), you were here...all 6lbs 2 oz...you were the prettiest doll I had ever seen! This year of watching you grow and change has been amazing...thank you for how you have blessed our lives!
You finally have teeth! We call you our little jack-o-lantern because you only have 2 teeth, one on the top and one on the bottom. But boy to you know how to use them...as your brother says..."you can tear some food out the frame"
You are so curious and getting very courageous! You can climb from the bottom step to the top of the playroom steps without stopping and get so very proud of yourself for your accomplishments. Although you are not walking yet, I am expecting it any day (although...don't rush...mommy is in no hurry).

You have quite a personality these days and love to make us laugh! You are also becoming very "chatty" and make me wonder if you are going to talk more than your brother. You know lots of words and it seems like each day you pop out a new one. Some you are saying now:
-fav is "now" (when you get finished doing something or when something is complete)
-your fav character is Mickey ("K") and you love to watch him on TV, look at pics, and love on your stuffed ones.
-banana "nana"
-"bubbie" for brother
-"bye-bye" & "go bye-bye"
-love u
-"errio" for Cherrio
-"hey" & "hey there" (in the cutest southern accent...wonder where you get that?)
-"pa" for Pop
It is funny how most of them deal with food...since you LOVE to eat! I haven't found much of anything you don't like and you are a really good eater with everything, but these days your fav seems to be spaghetti and your yogurt melts. These make you say "nmm, nmm" with each bite.
Your favorite person is still your brother...you love to play with him and he makes you laugh the hardest. You are also still a mommy's girl, which I love (except when mema is around...then you choose her most of the time). You love to play with a phone and "talk" and your other fav toys are your tea set and push car (and anything your brother is playing)
You still can't stand your bows and shoes...I still have to re-dress you anytime we go anywhere because you always can't off your shoes and pull out your bows. Your hair is growing faster now and it seems it may get some curls, although it can be unruly at times.
You are such a gentle, self soothing, and self-entertaining little girl. You enjoy the simplest of things. You still are an AWESOME sleeper (although I wish I could get you to sleep in a little later). You still LOVE your crib and love to just lay in there for a while when you wake and play with your blankie or few toys. You have decided to turn your mattress into a trampoline at times though which has resulted in us moving your crib down to the lowest level.

Your thumb and rabbit blankie are still very dear to you. You must have them to sleep or when you are upset (both of them...not just one). You love to rub the rabbit's ears while you suck your thumb. You know the difference between the real one and the backup (which is identical). Mommy is getting nervous about the thumb sucking since you have caused a dry rash on your finger because of it and even your nail is becoming a little indented. But it brings you much joy, so how could I possibly think about taking it away right now?
You love your babies too. Just the other day, I caught you trying to feed your doll a Cherrio. It is so precious to watch you with your babies.
You don't like grass or anything too fuzzy! And you are still very head strong and don't mind letting us know when you don't want something or think you can "tell us" what you want to do all the time. When we take you from something that you want (even though you can't have it), you have started to swat at us and throw a fit. We have got to work on this so it doesn't become a problem later on.

You love music and dancing...anytime you hear it, you start to "move". There is even one children's songs CD in our car that if you are upset, all I have to do is turn it on, and you become silent. You like to rock too...so I am excited that you are getting a mini rocker for your birthday.

We are working on getting rid of your bottle, but you like it a little more than your brother.
You are such a joy in our life and feel it with sugar, spice, and everything nice! I thank God daily for you...my doll!

Happy 1st Birthday...may the next year be as fun as the first! LOVE YOU!


Amy said...

Happy Birthday Baby C!......She is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!

Eversole Crew said...

Thanks Amy! Hope you guys are doing well! You going to get Spring clothes to sell?