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Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Fun

This summer is finding us having lots of Summer fun! Even though I don't always appreciate the 100 degree weather, I LOVE all the fun times and memories that Summer brings!


I am so grateful that I have such a good Dad and that I have married a person that is a great father. This Father's Day we were rather busy making out "rounds" to all the fathers. It started by getting up and celebrating K at home with gifts and love. Then we headed off to church with Granda (my dad) followed by lunch at my parent's house where we gave my dad his gift. Then we headed home briefly (long enough to take a quick breather on the couch and grab our bathing suits to head to K's sister's house to celebrate Father's Day and my birthday with his family. After a major breakdown from both kids (bless their hearts...they were exhausted...C from swimming for 2 days straight and baby C from no nap over 30 minutes the entire day), we finally arrived home at 7:30. Both kids were zonked out in the car.

One proud daddy


Last weekend we headed for the beach as a family (well minus baby C...she stayed home with my parents since the beach would be a little much for her right now. All of us were much better off that she stayed in her environment, as she is not quite ready to adjust to a trip yet. The trip was supposed to be a birthday getaway for K and I to celebrate my 30th birthday (see future blog) but I felt too guilty not to take C since that since the beach is all that he has talked about since it started getting warm, and this may be K's only chance to go with him this summer with the racing schedule. Boy I am glad I took him...the fun he had was priceless!

*Please excuse the order of the pictures...I forgot to download them from last to first taken and it was having issues letting me move them once I had posted them.

One of my favorites at the aquarium. Because we have taken C every time we have went to the beach, he expects to go every time now. Thank goodness teachers get in free with their teacher badge and their guests get in half price (this really helps).

I really enjoyed their "baby" exhibit this year. It was so interesting to see how some animals such as the alligator (or crocodile...not sure which), shark, jellyfish, seahorse, and many others are grown in womb and are taken care of. The jelly fish had to be looked at through microscope, while the males are the ones that are pregnant the baby seahorses and have contractions.

Reading this and looking that the first baby incubator (below) made tears swell in my eyes. I am so blessed that technology has come SO far in aiding with a baby's health and survival rate. Because of this, I have a smart, healthy, and happy 3 and a half year old boy.

This part of the exhibit was very interesting for us since we have a Betta fish "Nemo IV" that makes these bubbles all the time in his bowl for his "unborn babies to be nested in". C and Dada are inside the "bubble"

Outside the aquarium...C attempting to make his new favorite face...his "silly face". You are sure to see it again.

Day 2 of the beach trip and running on 6 hours of sleep after going FULL Blast for more than 24 hours...C finally zonks out on the way to Broadway for dinner and aquarium visit. (Diane...it is de- ja- vu...even down to the picture of C asleep...we even ate at the same place).

CR playing in the sand. He was not afraid to get dirty or allow sand to get in all his body parts. It took forever to get rid of all the sand he collected on himself each time we went down to the beach. I have s similar pics of him in the sand when he was 18 months old...too neat to compare these.

I think he could have played here all day and night...he was in heaven

Splashing in the surf!

Trying to "surf"... He gave up after one try.

One happy boy to be...he was AWESOME all weekend and was so full of himself all weekend. He had the biggest time. On the way home, he thanked K for taking him to the beach. It was so sweet to hear and see his appreciation!

Mommy's pelican leg boy..he loved running back and forth to the water like the birds do at the beach. He started this when he begged us to go down to the beach Friday night after we got settled into the hotel about 11 PM (we stopped by Nascar Speedpark for some fun on the way in). We finally were able to convince him to go in the room for some sleep at 1AM. He was having so much fun he didn't want to stop long enough to sleep.

And he's off...his first trip out to the beach in the daylight of this trip

Although Myrtle Beach is not my favorite beach, due to how commercialized it is, it was nice to get away to the beach air and land of palm trees.

CR waking up at 7:30 AM and heading out to the balcony for the view of all that awaits him that day. He is overjoyed!

My race car cutie!

He still wasn't ready to drive the "real" cars even though he could have one set this year with his height. He did ride in the Family 500 Car with K.

K's dream ride right now...he so badly wants a jeep! When the trip was planned (thinking it would be just K and I), I told him that I would like to rent a jeep from his work to take to have some fun with the top off. He was able to get one, so we didn't change that plan when CR went with us. Things were a little cramped for packing space, but it was still a lot of fun (despite the fact that the summer thunderstorm weather scared us from taking the top off a lot in the evenings.

CR with his "silly face" on the way to the beach. I am surprised he didn't get claustrophobic with all of that stuff piled around him in such a little space. He loved taking the jeep too. From this seat we were asked 28 times from Mcbee to Myrtle Beach..."are we there yet?" I bet it was close to 40 times if I would have started counting from the time we left the house. He started asking about 5 miles from the house.

1 comment:

Amy said...

what a fun trip~! Special for C too! He got lots of mommy - daddy time all to himself!