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Friday, May 22, 2009

Field Day

Thursday, I had the pleasure of taking off work and enjoying a childhood favorite of mine with CR and his preschool friends....FIELD DAY! This was the best day ever in my elementary years and I looked so forward to it as a wrap up to each school year. I was so excited to get to spend my first one with CR. I hope it will be a forever favorite memory for him as well. Miss Patty sure did an AWESOME JOB!

Thanks Miss Patty for a GREAT school year! CR has learned so much not only in "academics", but about himself and how to interact with others. We are surely blessed to have such an AWESOME teacher whom provides so many neat and unique opportunities for the kids. It makes me feel so great to see how much CR has progressed this year and hear him eager to go to your house each day (and misses it when he is not there).One of the many field day events...dragon tail chase (they had to chase each other to pull the dragon tail from each other). This was a great game and took a lot of their energy.

Field Day would not be complete without sack race. It was so cute to watch these little ones try to learn the fundamentals of these new games (many their first time playing)Go CR GO! He thought he had to go around every cone at the end instead of just his one. Bless his heart, because of this, he was in last place, but still did a great job and had so much fun!

This was always my favorite event...parachute popcorn.

Spoon egg relay...a hard one for this age. CR new that he had to hurry to try to win, but didn't quite understand that he had to keep his egg on the spoon in the process. Such cute eggs and spoons though...instead of the real deal (which would have been messy).

He finally got the hang of it (with a little cheating though)...better luck next year.

Balloon pop relay. It was so cute watching these little ones trying to get their balloons to pop by sitting on them. When that wouldn't work (since they are so little) it was neat to watch what other ways they tried to pop them.

What cute snacks...dirt cups (chocolate pudding with crushed Oreos on top with the addition of a cute flower and gummy worm). Some of the kids were not so sure about eating these once they heard the name...they couldn't get over the fact that they really were not eating dirt. Not CR though...go figure...the child will eat anything that doesn't eat him first.

I will have to remember this idea...it was so cute!

Bubble Fun!

Go Fish...I think a fave of CR.

Another event....bean bag toss

Another favorite of CR...he loves when Miss Patty pulls out the tumbling mats. He informed K and I this weekend that he is going to take gymnastics in the Fall, when it is too cold to swim or play baseball. That should be fun...dragging a 9 month old to a gym each week to watch her brother tumble, when she can't get down and crawl. Maybe by then he will change his mind, but if not, I guess we will do what we have to do...he is allowed to participate in one thing at a time, so I guess we will try this as his Fall event.

Such a cute activity...marble grab with your toes...the kids concentrated very hard on this one.

Before heading out to Field Day, I was able to see preschool "circle time" in action, which was really neat, since I hear about it a lot at home and I hear CR "reenact" it a lot at home.

CR sitting on his mat listening to his "classmates" take their turn in guessing the number of sweet potatoes in the jar (goes along with their study of garden veggies).

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