I hate making decisions sometimes...I am so bad at deciding! I need some input from all you ladies that have had kids. Here is the dilemma: When I was pregnant with CR, I only saw one Dr. throughout my entire OB visits, and I really like him! However, when it came time to deliver, of course (especially since CR was so early), this Dr. was not on call. In fact, he wasn't on call the entire week that I was in the hospital prior to CR's arrival. Therefore, I didn't see him until he came by to visit (which I thought was nice since he wasn't even supposed to be there) the day I was going home from the hospital. I felt so lost without him involved in this process since he was the one I had all my visits with.
So, this time, I am wondering, should I see just him (I have seen him for my first 2 OB appt.'s) or should I try to see as many as I can so that I am familiar with them all. I am so torn!
Does it really matter? How much does it help to see one Dr. or all the Dr.'s? Also, how much do you think it matters in labor to have seen the Dr. that is delivering? Any suggestions or thoughts from all you other moms?
6 years in 10 minutes
5 years ago
In all honesty, I don't know if it really matters because when you go into labor, you're gonna get whatever doctor is on call, and that is out of your control. I did NOT want Dr. Revel because he told me I was going to need a C-section for sure, and I got him anyways. But I was glad that I was able to see him so I knew him when he came to deliver Ethan. That's my opinion, but I know how much you love Dr. Garcia!
hey girl.... just read your concern about the drs. didn't you have a c-section with caden? if so, this one will be a scheduled c-section and you can have the dr you prefer. this is what i did with my 2nd... i saw the same dr the whole time b/c i knew he would be the one doing the c-section. just a thought... hope you're doing well and talk to you soon!
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