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Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm growing up on you Mommy!

CR has finally taken the plunge...he uses the potty for pooping now too. As many of you know, he has been "partially potty trained" for a long time (a few months before he turned 3). However, he would have nothing to do with pooping in the potty. He knew when he had to and would even go upstairs to get a diaper for me to put on him and tell me when he was done, but he would not go to the potty.

Finally a few weeks (maybe 2) before "baby sister" was born, I was out of pullups (well I may have had one stashed away but I wanted to save that one til night time and didn't want to make a trip to the store). I urged, begged, and pleaded with him to go to the potty. He screamed and cried and would not go. However, I didn't let in. Instead, I reminded him that he wanted another piece to his GeoTrax set and the only way he would get it was to use the potty like a big boy consecutively. That was all that it took...from then on...he has. Needless to say, after a couple poops in the potty I took the trip to Toys R Us to get his new piece (the best $10 I have ever spent). He is so proud of himself for his accomplishments! Mommy is glad that we don't have diapers anymore (well for him at least), but I miss my baby boy. Everyday he gets a little bigger and reminds me often with the words: "I'm growing up on you Mommy!" Boy does time fly!

1 comment:

Monica M. Judd said...

Way to go CR. How nice of you to give mommy a break!