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Monday, December 22, 2008

Celebrating the Season cont.

More pics of us celebrating the season...

CR and his cousin (3 weeks apart) check each other out at a family Christmas. They always have to do this for a few minutes each time they get together before they start playing.

CR opening his present from "Mamie"...a guitar and microphone. Of course he loves it....it is so cute to watch him "jive" while he plays it and sings. I say it will be moving to the play room with his drums shortly....poor Carragan will not be able to stand all of that.Performing for us
It is so good to get together with relatives that we don't get to see as often as we like. These 3 really enjoy playing together...it is just sad that we can't seem to get together more often.On Saturday, we attended CR's favorite parade. Rain, sleet, snow, or ice, we had to attend. It is a local town's parade in which you have to have a tractor or a horse to be in it. CR LOVES IT! We got there early (parade didn't start until 1 but if you are not there by 11, you will not find a place to park). People really get into it. We saw everything from fancy RV's to stew pots being stirred with a broom stick. But guaranteed...everyone tailgates (as you can see from the table in the above background...the people parked beside us). We were no exception! This was K's first year going (he has always had to work), but when I mentioned tailgating, he was excited. He pulled out his totes of tailgating stuff and grill and we did just that. We had marinated grilled chicken, potato salad, baked beans, veggie tray, snacks, and all sorts of sweet goodies. We didn't even get wet from the rain (thank goodness) because my brother let us take his pop-up tent. It was so much fun! Above CR gears up for the big event by playing with his John Deere tractor while we tailgate.
Almost parade time...CR gets his place by the road with his "loot bag" ready.
he grand marshal...you always know it is coming long before it gets to you by the man on the back ringing the bell

CR stands with his "loot bag" to get some candy being thrown
You saw everything in this parade...from steer....
To the "tippen" tractors from Cars...
To festive...
To enormous...
Decked out...
CR's favorite...the John Deere...he actually waved at this one
To of course the end being lead by no other than Santa!
Last week we went to the Billy Graham library to see the lights and live nativity. It was beautiful; however, it was way too crowded to enjoy. Above is a huge wreath that was atop the silo.
Carriage rides...we didn't get to take these...the line was FOREVER long (like hours)

Beautiful tree inside "the barn" adorned with natural items including many crosses made of wood. It was SO pretty!
How touching this was to see the live nativity...it was a true and humble reminder of the REAL reason for the Season!
A shot of "the barn" from afar...in front is the line for the carriages that extended forever.

I would have loved to attend when and if it were not so crowded. Although it was beautiful, I really couldn't enjoy it because I was herded through the crowds and worried at the same time. I don't do crowds well at night with CR.
CR visiting Santa...he did sit on his lap afterall (he has said all season that he wouldn't...he would just talk to him)! The reason...Santa knew his name and called for him when we pulled up. I wish I had a picture of his eyes when this happened...it was so cute. I guess he figured that since Santa knew his name, he better get on his lap and tell him what he wanted if he wanted Santa to visit his house at Christmas.
CR helping mommy make cinnamon applesauce ornaments. I have been wanting to do this and finally got to do it this year...they turned out great. I loved how they smelled up my kitchen and made great gifts! I am even using the scraps wrapped in old panty hose for my sock drawer, etc. CR also loved "making something" for his friends at school and being able to help get involved in the "cooking of them".
Our house all ready for Christmas! Our neighborhood did luminaries along the side of the road last Saturday and it turned out to be so pretty! I am so glad we did something this year...we also had a gathering with cookies/cider/hot chocolate at the model home. It was nice to see neighbors that we don't get to see often.
CR helping Daddy prepare our luminaries for the evening
CR's links til Christmas. He made this at school and has been so excited to count down the days til Christmas. What a neat idea!
Merry Christmas!!!!!


The Cassidys said...

wow - i really enjoyed this blog! it's nice to catch up with what ya'll have been doing even if we don't get to see each other much. have a very merry christmas!

Eversole Crew said...

Thanks! I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas too! It will be so much fun with Ethan this year! I do miss seeing you guys...hopefully we can again soon!

Eversole Crew said...

Thanks! I hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas too! It will be so much fun with Ethan this year! I do miss seeing you guys...hopefully we can again soon!

South Carolina Mom said...

Where was the parade? My boys would love that! Merry Christmas!