Welcome to the ongoing adventures of the Eversole family! Hope you enjoy reading about our daily life, exciting times, trials, growth, and love!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My husband

Last night, K was looking at my blog while I had it pulled up, something he never does, nor even knows how to get to it, not because he is not interested, but because he just doesn't have the time. He brought it to my attention that he is not mentioned a lot on it and bless his heart was even left out of our profile picture (just because I don't have a recent family picture of us...I need to make that a priority). So today, I want to dedicate this blog to him. Bless his heart...he deserves to be mentioned more. So many days I fail to appreciate all that he does for our family. He works 3 jobs to make ends meet while yet still being a husband and daddy. I tend to get so frustrated with him at times for not picking up more, doing more around the house, and taking care of responsibilities, but I fail to realize all that he does do. So K....thank you...I love you very much! You are a great husband and daddy!

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